Student life
Posted on: Jun 09, 2013

HSSN, the Hellenic Student Society in the Netherlands


The Netherlands is one of the countries in Europe that offers both a high level of education and you don't have to spend everything you have in order to get a degree, as the tuition fees are truly low, relatively to other countries of the Northern Europe. So, the country attracts more and more Greek and Cypriot students every year, who choose the Netherlands for their undergraduate or postgraduate studies. As this number increases, the needs and problems that arise in the everyday lives of students increase too.

Based on those needs and problems and with the incentive of helping the Greek and Cypriot students that arrive each year in the Netherlands, the Greek students Andronikidi, Afrati, Vosmi, Gkeredaki, Klouvas and Foukaraki decided, in November 2009, to establish a society, the Hellenic Student Society of the Netherlands (HSSN). Since then, several members have participated in the activities and organization of this society and today, the active members are: P. Afratis, A. Ieridis, T. Klouvas, N. Margaritis, T. Matakiadis, E. Pappas, G. Fradelou.

What is HSSN and how they can help me

HSSN is a non-profit and non-political student association, composed by Greek and Cypriot students and graduates from the Dutch universities. The association aims at bringing together the Greek and Cypriot students and creating a base of information and information sharing, concerning various topics.

The objective of HSSN is to effectively inform their members on issues of living, education, scholarship search and other services. They also organize several activities and events for better integration of the members in the local community and Dutch life. Examples of such activities include educational lectures, Dutch language lessons, traditional dance lessons, photography and so on.

The several groups/members of the association occasionally become involved in activities, organized in order to help Greek students become familiar with the Dutch culture and easily integrate and adapt in the country. One of the most important and popular Actions is "Show me your city" (Δείξε μου την πόλη σου). For more information on the activities organized by HSSN, click here.

At their Facebook group, there many topics for matters that concern students and you can also post and talk direct with all the members and find helpful information. The group is closed only to Greek and Cypriot students, since it is in Greek, so you will need to request to join.

HSSN official website


She is an active student and so busy that she didn't even say something for her self. Oh the irony.