In The Netherlands
Posted on: Mar 15, 2013

New Diaspora a web documentary focusing on the personal stories of Greeks who decided to move abroad.

Mike Klianis
Mike Klianis

New Diaspora, an open community, a web documentary

We picked up on New Diaspora, a fascinating new independent project, yesterday when it launched its website and opening trailer.

What is it about?

New Diaspora appears to be a fascinating new project, funded by Greek expats, that features a web documentary series about the lives of Greeks who decided to move abroad.

But we at believe it is something much more and we already like it.

A live window inside Greek expat life

New Diaspora is going further forward by creating also an open community on their website where Greek expatriates can share their stories via text, images and even HD video!

They already have some posted on their website and their list will grow even more as soon as we send ours.

Help out New Diaspora. Make this project happen.

As they have posted on their website they are starting a crowdfunding campaign on Monday the 18th of March 2013.

Visit New Diaspora to find out more.

We will try to get in touch with New Diaspora and update you with even more information.