Posted on: Apr 11, 2013

The World Press Photo exhibition of 2013 in Amsterdam

Mike Klianis
Mike Klianis

The World Press Photo exhibition was founded in 1955 with the objective of inspiring people understand the world through quality photojournalism. Today more than 100 countries are represented in their annual exhibitions and every year thousands of images are submitted by international photojournalists. At the end an independent, international jury chooses the best photo and decides which photographer deserve the World Press Photo award.

The World Press Photo exhibition in Amsterdam

Every year the first World Press Photo exhibition is opened in Amsterdam and in the months that follow, it travels all over the world and millions of people visit it. The exhibition of 2013 kicks off in Amsterdam's Oude Kerk (Oudekerksplein 23, Amsterdam)on the 26th of April and it will be on until the 23rd of June. For more information on Amsterdam's exhibition visit their official website



She is an active student and so busy that she didn't even say something for her self. Oh the irony.